

Agitation Free was a German experimental krautrock band. The band was formed in 1967 with Michael Günther (bass), Lutz Ulbrich (guitar), Lutz Ludwig Kramer (guitar) and Christopher Franke (drums). They were initially called Agitation, a name they chose at random from a dictionary. The name later changed to Agitation Free as the result of a panel before a free show played in the early 1970s where it was written Agitation Free (meaning free concert). The other reason for the band to change their name was that another band with the same name already existed. In 1970, Ludwig Kramer left and was replaced by Ax Genrich. Likewise, Christoph Franke left this year to join Tangerine Dream. To replace these losses, the group recruited Jörg Schwenke and Gerd Klemke. Klemke was not to last long though, and the group finally stablized in 1971 as a quintet with the addition of Michael Hoenig and Burghard Rausch. Though they began by playing covers, Agitation Free added extended improvisations into the songs, and jamming became the basis for their own works.

The group also collaborated with Berlin's art students on slide-shows, projections, and other multi-media performances, and played gigs at conservatories and galleries in addition to club shows.


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